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Knowledgebase : Dedicated Server Support > CentOS Questions > Yum and RPM
Have you managed to completely mess up file permissions for a given package? Not a problem, because RPM has you covered. # rpm --setperms
Because CentOS and the upstream vendor have backported security patches, the version numbers can often be misleading when you look for CVE fixes. Checking the changelog of a package is a good way to see if the fix has been implemented. Once again, rpm com...
To quickly list documentation relating to a package, you can use the following two options: # rpm -qd This will show you the documentation contained in that rpm, or if you only have a filename you can do: # rpm -qdf /path/to/file and rpm will ...
If you need to extract just one file from an rpm without reinstalling the whole package, you can do this with rpm2cpio. For example, to extract just the config file from the logrotate rpm you would use the following statement: # rpm2cpio logrotate-1.0-...
Find packages containing a string in package name or description. # yum search buildrpmtree | less