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The problem started with xterm-192-1.EL4.0. CentOS 4.4 includes version 192-4.EL4, while CentOS 4.3 includes 192-1 (before the change). when the following lines (along others) were added to the XTerm resource files, located at: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-d...
You will type the following at the root prompt: # yum -y install vsftpd # chkconfig vsftpd on # service vsftpd start You will then have FTPD running on your server on startup and currently. You CAN'T ftp in as root. You must have a non-root user t...
# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/ad0s1a 72G 1.1G 65G 2% / Devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev - Filesystem: This is the partition for which the information is gathered. - Size: This is the amount of total space on the partitio...
In order to change the password on an account, use the following command: # passwd You will then be prompted to supply a new password, followed by a confirmation request.
The log files can be found in the following directory: /var/log
In order to view your server's memory usage, use the following command: # free
To view the full path of your current directory, use the following command: # pwd
manual entry for a specific command with the following command: # man command
There are two ways to view the current processes running on your server. You can view a snap shot of the running processes with the following command: # ps auxf Alternatively, you can also view them in real time with the following command: # top ...
To view a history of previously executed commands, use the following command: # history
In order to forcefully stop a process use the following command: #kill process_id You can determine the processes ID, or PID, from viewing top or ps auxf.
CentOS comes with nicely scripted service commands. The syntax to issue commands to services is as follows: # service service_name command Commands to perform on a service include: start, stop, restart, and status. So to check on the status of ap...
In order to set your server's date and time you will need to use the date command. The syntax is as follows: # date -s Where MM = The month of the year (01-12). DD = The day of the month (01-31). hh = The hour of the day (00-23)...
In order to set your server's time zone you have to copy the desired timezone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ to /etc/localtime. If you wanted to set your server's timezone to Eastern time, you would issue the following command: # cp /usr/share/zoneinf...
CentOS allows you to easily manage your installed packages with yum, or Yellowdog Updater Modified. In order to update all you installed packages, simply issue the following command: # yum update Please note: Updating may cause your server to run sl...
In order to see who is logged in to the server, and what they are doing, use the following command: # who
You can search for a file, or part of a file name, with the following command: # locate search_string Please note: This is not an active search on the live file system. This command searches a database of filenames that must first be generated, and ...
In order to view information about your system and the kernel it is currently running under, use the following command: # uname -a
In order to view information about the cpu in your system, use the following command: # cat /proc/cpuinfo
In order to view information about your ram, use the following command: # cat /proc/meminfo
In order to search a file for a specific string, or pattern, use the following command: # grep search_string file Please note: You can also search the output of a command for a specific pattern by using the following command: # command | grep sea...
In order to install software from source, generally, you will need to run the following commands in the top directory of the source code: # ./configure # make # make install Please note: Some software may require additional steps or configuration,...
In order to install software from a .rpm file, use the following command: # rpm -ivh file.rpm
If you need to update software previously installed through rpm, you can upgrade it with the new up-to-date rpm file by using the following command: # rpm -Uvh file.rpm
YUM allows you to easily upgrade your kernel to the latest version distributed by CentOS. Simply use the following command: # yum upgrade kernel Please note: If you are on a multi processor system, you can upgrade to the newest smp kernel using the ...
In order to create a wheel user, that can switch to root when needed, you first have to create a normal user with the following command: # adduser new_user_name Assign the account a password with: # passwd new_user_name Then add the account to...
If you have created a wheel user, this account can switch to root by using the following command: # su -l root
You can disable direct root login via ssh by editing the ssh configuration file, located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config , and adding the following line to the file: PermitRootLogin no For the change to take effect, restart the sshd service with the followi...
Some programs require a file with a certain name to be at a specific location before it can function. In order to create a blank file use the following command: # touch file
In order to quickly clear a file of its content, without actually deleting the file, use the following command: # cat /dev/null > file