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If you are unfamiliar with SSH this is ok. This is a simple explanation to get you to a command prompt on your new server or existing server. Simply download a program called "putty.exe" if you are using Windows. If you are using MAC you will need to jump...
If you are relatively new to FreeBSD you should have heard the term "ports" before. This is just a means to install any program you would need on FreeBSD quite easily. If you keep an up to date ports at all times this should be a breeze. Updating ports is...
One of the coolest tools FreeBSD has to offer is ports and portupgrade. In order to use portupgrade you will need to install it from ports. So first upgrade your ports and install portupgrade in /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade. To upgrade ports refer to m...
When a person first gets his/her box and tries to add a user sometimes they are confronted with a set of questions thats doesn't make sense to them. For instance the first time you type "adduser" and go through the options the first couple questions might...
To remove a user simply type "rmuser" and answer the questions and that user will be removed. The "pw" function has a lot of useful tools such as locking users accounts by typeing "pw lock user" You can also change some information about a user account wi...
This can be a tricky subject considering the fact that mergemaster can be a bit complicated at first glance. To those of you already familiar with linux you might get through it a bit easier. The first thing you need to do is upgrade your src. Your src sh...
First of all I suggest you use BIND9. This comes with most distros now adays (with exception of 4.x). You can start by installing it from ports. If you don't know how to use ports refer to my other articles about the subject. Type "cd /usr/ports/dns/bind9...
First of all I suggest you use BIND9. This comes with most distros now adays (with exception of 4.x). You can start by installing it from ports. If you don't know how to use ports refer to my other articles about the subject. Type "cd /usr/ports/dns/bind9...
First of all I want to tell you that the best way to do this to start with would make a "default to accept" kernel. This means that your kenerl will accept EVERYTHING by default. This will do a few things for you when you are adding a firewall for a serve...
This article will not go in to detail on what settings to use but I will show you how to find out what settings are the best for you. The first thing you need to realize is the importance of sysctl options. There are many default options that do not allow...
Be careful with this because it might not be what you want/need to do. Different problems and tasks require different commands. For instance if you just rebuilt world or kernel you will want to do a "reboot" command at the SSH prompt. This will shut down ...
It is important to note that in FreeBSD (unlike linux) you will use the correct netmask for all IPs (even aliases) but with FreeBSD you will only need this once. After you have added the first IP the rest of the IPS (aliases) will use netmask 255.255.255....
This can be a very easy task if you know how to do it correctly and follow my steps EXACTLY as I show them to you. First thing you want to make sure nothing is going to be blocking the port(s) and/or IP(s) you want to use for SSH (firewalls etc). Once you...
There are several ways to do this and the best way is to install a utility called "lsof" which you can find in /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof. Once you install this you will type: # lsof -i This will list out all the ports / ips / hostnames that are liste...
To see the total size of a given directory you would type: du -sh /directory This will display the total size.
To kill a process you must first know to PID number. To find this out you will type the following: # ps aux USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND root 23 0.0 0.0 212 68 ?? Is 18Mar06 0:00.00 adjkerntz -i root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? DL 1...
First you need to find the file you would like to move and the location you would like it to move to. You will type the following: mv FILEYOUWANTMOVED LOCATIONYOUWANTITMOVEDTO So to play out the example lets mv httpd.conf to /etc. # mv /usr/loca...
This can be a very useful tool if you are running any sort of local clients on your server. You want to make sure the local clients haven't compromised the machine somehow. To install you cd to /usr/ports/security/chkrootkit then you will type "make insta...
To scan the system for SUID or GID files you will type: # find / \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type -f -exec ls -la {} \; This is important to do on a routine basis. You might make a crontab to do this once a day and output the data in a file.
First you are going to need to stop mysqld from running so find the pid with "ps aux" and kill -9 PID. Then you can start mysqld with --skip-grant-tables option. Login to mysql as follows: # mysql -u root -p mysql Then at the mysql prompt type: U...
If you want to learn how to use a particular command such as "cp" or "nmap" you can read the manual 9 times out of 10 by typing: # man cp or # man nmap
This is very easy. In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config (or wherever it is) specify the following: Banner /etc/banner.txt And in /etc/banner.txt put whatever banner you want to show. If you want to display something like "don't hack my server .. or else *sh...
If the DISK is ad6 then: # disklabel -r -w ad6 auto # newfs /dev/ad6 # mkdir /backup # mount /dev/ad6 /backup # ee /etc/fstab Add the following line: /dev/ad6 /backup ufs rw 2 2
To install ports in FreeBSD you will first need to create a file called ports-supfile by doing the following: 1) # cd /root 2) # mkdir sup 3) # cd sup 4) ee ports-supfile 5) Copy and paste the following in to the ports-supfile: * default...
If you are using syscons (the default console driver) build and install a new kernel with the line: options SC_DISABLE_REBOOT in the configuration file. If you use the PCVT console driver, use the following kernel configuration line instead. This can a...
Use the adduser command: #adduser To remove the user, use the rmuser command.
FreeBSD is an advanced operating system (OS) for x86 compatible, AMD64 compatible, Alpha, IA-64, PC-98, and UltraSPARC architectures. FreeBSD grew out of the BSD (Berkeley Software Development) code base, which was developed at UC Berkeley. The current pr...
To print the current hardware platform, system name, current release level, OS implementation, and version level simply type "uname -a". The output should look something similar to this: # uname –a FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6....
In order to see how much disk space is available, execute the df (disk free) command. # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/ad0s1a 72G 1.1G 65G 2% / Devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev - Filesystem: This is the partition for which...